Thermal Imaging Systems

Microsanj is a leading provider of high-resolution transient thermal imaging solutions & services for commercial and research applications. The systems are based on optical thermoreflectance characterization, digital signal processing, and advanced software algorithms to support: electronic and optoelectronic components measurement, thermal design validation of ICs, defects, and failure analysis.

Since high temperatures, high temperature gradients and even low power sub-micron hotspots can have a significant impact on mean-time-to-failure (MTTF), it is essential that one have a thorough understanding of both static and dynamic thermal performance. Microsanj thermal analysis systems are designed with nanoscale level thermal analysis capability to meet the increasing thermal imaging challenges presented by these advanced devices. With the ability to analyze fast thermal transient behavior, validate thermal modeling tools and detect the smallest semiconductor hotspots, a Microsanj thermal imaging system can ensure devices are designed with an optimal tradeoff between performance and reliability.

All SanjSCOPE™ Thermal Imaging Systems include SanjCONTROLLER™ with embedded User-Friendly SanjVIEW™ , SanjIMAGER™, and SanjANALYZER™ software modules with optional upgrade to SanjANALYZER-PLUS™

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