RF power dividers (splitters) are passive coaxial components that are used to split a single RF input signal into multiple output signals and divide the power with minimal losses. Conversely, RF combiners are used to combine multiple input signals into one output.
In terms of circuitry, RF power combiners and dividers are practically identical. The same circuits can be used to combine and split RF power. The only difference is the direction in which the RF power is applied.
Power dividers/combiners are widely used in wireless systems to divide/combine power equally across the system. The output signals that are generated by the power divider are usually of equal amplitude and phase however based on the requirement dividers can vary the amplitude and phase of the signals at the output. These are called unequal power dividers.
Two categories of RF power dividers & combiners
Resistive power dividers are power splitters and combiners that use resistors. While they can maintain the characteristic impedance of the system, the use of resistors causes additional loss beyond that of the minimum produced by any splitting action. They are affordable due to simple production and materials.
Hybrid power dividers utilize transformers and can provide low levels of loss. Even though there are some physical losses caused by the transformer, most of the loss is that occurs from the splitting process as the same signal is shared between several outputs.
Main parameters of dividers & combiners
Configuration means the number of ways the input signal is split by the power divider, such as 2-way, 3-way, 4-way etc.
Power indicates the average input power that the divider can process.
Insertion loss is the amount of signal loss following from combining one signal input into multiple signal outputs is called insertion loss.
Amplitude and phase balance amplitude balance is a measure of how evenly the power is split between the outputs of an x-way power divider. Phase balance is a measure of the differential phase shift between the output signals of the power divider.
Isolation indicates the output port-to-port isolation. Typically, the higher the better.
Impedance power dividers are usually available in 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm configurations.
Anything you need – we have it
We provide a full range of RF power dividers and combiners for any aerospace, defense, R&D, industrial production, wireless or test and measurement application. Contact us with your requirement and we will find you the optimal solution.